Contact Us 24/7: 347.454.1808

COVID-19 Alert:
Through this coronavirus crisis, we are still accepting new clients (phone consultations only), and we are able to make emergency court appearances.

COVID-19 바이러스 관련 사무실 업무안내:
코로나바이러스(COVID-19)의 확산을 최소화하기 위해 저희 사무실도 모든 업무를 비대면 전화상담으로 대체 하기로 했으나 긴급 법원 출두및 법률상담 등 대부분의 업무는 지속하고 있으니 이용에 참고하시기 바랍니다.

在这次新冠病毒危机中, 我们仍可以接受新客户(仅限电话咨询), 并且能够出庭应诉.

Can you guarantee a result?

Can you guarantee a result?

Any criminal defense who promises that he or she can guarantee a dismissal is simply not trustworthy. No two cases are exactly alike, and the end result will depend on many factors such as the strength of the prosecution’s evidence, the willingness of complaining witnesses to cooperate, and the particular prosecutor or judge that is assigned to the case. A good attorney will never guarantee a result. Instead, a good attorney is able to tell the client that based on his experience on similar cases, certain results are likely. At Lee Law Firm, we strongly believe that honesty with the client about the range of possible outcomes at the outset of the case is not only the ethically right thing to do, it is the absolute key to building trust with the client.