Contact Us 24/7: 347.454.1808

COVID-19 Alert:
Through this coronavirus crisis, we are still accepting new clients (phone consultations only), and we are able to make emergency court appearances.

COVID-19 바이러스 관련 사무실 업무안내:
코로나바이러스(COVID-19)의 확산을 최소화하기 위해 저희 사무실도 모든 업무를 비대면 전화상담으로 대체 하기로 했으나 긴급 법원 출두및 법률상담 등 대부분의 업무는 지속하고 있으니 이용에 참고하시기 바랍니다.

在这次新冠病毒危机中, 我们仍可以接受新客户(仅限电话咨询), 并且能够出庭应诉.

If I’m guilty, what can my lawyer do for me?

If I’m guilty, what can my lawyer do for me?

An attorney has the duty to strongly represent his client regardless of his or her guilt. There are many ways that an attorney can help his client even though he is “guilty.” For example, he can argue that the police obtained a confession or other evidence through illegal means, and get it thrown out. He can negotiate a plea bargain which would not leave criminal record or significantly reduce jail time. If a plea bargain is unacceptable, an attorney can tell his client his chances of success or failure at trial, so that the client can make an informed decision. And in the worst case scenario of incarceration, an attorney can present all available options for early release.