Contact Us 24/7: 347.454.1808

COVID-19 Alert:
Through this coronavirus crisis, we are still accepting new clients (phone consultations only), and we are able to make emergency court appearances.

COVID-19 바이러스 관련 사무실 업무안내:
코로나바이러스(COVID-19)의 확산을 최소화하기 위해 저희 사무실도 모든 업무를 비대면 전화상담으로 대체 하기로 했으나 긴급 법원 출두및 법률상담 등 대부분의 업무는 지속하고 있으니 이용에 참고하시기 바랍니다.

在这次新冠病毒危机中, 我们仍可以接受新客户(仅限电话咨询), 并且能够出庭应诉.

Will I have a criminal record forever?

Will I have a criminal record forever?

In New York State, a conviction of a crime leaves a permanent criminal record which cannot be “expunged” like in some states. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain a result in the case which does not leave a criminal record in the first place. Some examples of such results include “ACD” (Adjournment Contemplating Dismissal) and “violations” which are not crimes. However, in some limited circumstances, a criminal conviction can be overturned by filing an appeal or a motion to vacate. For example, a defendant who was not advised about the consequences of a conviction on his or her immigration status has potential grounds for a motion to vacate.