How do I get property back from the police?
By admin on February 5, 2014All property seized by the police during an arrest is “vouchered” under a unique identifying number. Some of these...
What happens if I get arrested for DWI?
By admin on February 5, 2014New York State has some of the toughest DWI laws in the nation. Even a first time offender faces...
If I’m guilty, what can my lawyer do for me?
By admin on February 5, 2014An attorney has the duty to strongly represent his client regardless of his or her guilt. There are many...
Will I have a criminal record forever?
By admin on February 5, 2014In New York State, a conviction of a crime leaves a permanent criminal record which cannot be “expunged” like...
The victim doesn’t want to press charges, but why did I get arrested?
By admin on February 5, 2014This is a very commonly asked question, especially in domestic violence cases where a family member makes a police...
What is the difference between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?
By admin on February 5, 2014The biggest difference is that a felony charge carries a higher potential jail term. Just as important though, are...
What is plea bargaining?
By admin on February 5, 2014Plea bargaining is the process in which the prosecution and defense reach an agreement to lower the criminal charge...
I’ve been arrested and I’m not a US citizen. Will immigration find out?
By admin on February 5, 2014In most cases, yes. If you are not a citizen, you must be extremely careful about how your criminal...
The court already assigned me a legal aid attorney, why do I need to hire a lawyer?
By admin on February 5, 2014Public defenders sometimes get an undeserved “bad rap” because people assume that since they work for “free,” they couldn’t...
Can you guarantee a result?
By admin on February 5, 2014Any criminal defense who promises that he or she can guarantee a dismissal is simply not trustworthy. No two...